Friday, September 25


im taking a shot at the nickel tables -- woot. run well continue please.

Sunday, September 20


lol fuck that -- now im grinding 2nl. well see how much less boring that is >.<

only one way to go

so i went bust. fml.

ive got 25 dollars left and im going to grind up the sng ladder. 1 dollar sngs here we come. ill post results here daily just to keep track.


Tuesday, September 8


so things have been going about as shitty as they possibly could and i hit a real low point mentally last week. i've taken a step back to think and get a perspective on things and i think everything is ok now. that doesn't mean i will start winning big right away, but i'm on the right track.

i ran bad at 50nl and have been grinding sng's for a while. i cashed out a little to help with life and have been donking off money in mtt's hoping for the big score like a fish. i watched one of vital myth's vids today and i REALLY liked what he was saying and it just helped getting me to start thinking about the game again. i haven't really thought about anything in months. since like 7 months ago. i just fucking play the game now, i don't think. that needs to change and it will.

i have new found motivation and even though my 4k mini-goal for the month of september is looking a bit lofty i am in no way worried i won't make AT LEAST 25k by the end of the year. i'm off to play a bit.. 25nl and i'm not embarassed to say it. i really should be though, its' fucking annoying :/ lol. but i will think about the game and clean it up and move on with my career and that will be that. in 5 years i will look back on these times and thank myself for putting in the hard work when it needed to be done to achieve greater goals. the work needs to be done at some point and nobody is going to make me kick it back in gear. i need to want it myself and that's exactly what i want now. weird how i just realized i've been smoking all the time for the same reason i did back in the apartment and i didn't even realize it until now.

see you at the tables :O

Wednesday, August 26


so this is just random but im a weird fucking kid. there is another 50nl player with the name 'kittiesgomah' and he has the cat as his avatar. for whatever reason i thought this was the funniest thing when i was playing him and we were playing on a few tables and both had deep stacks.

everytime i would get involved in any type of pot with him i was just see his name and laugh and go 'mahhhhhhhhh'. i think i was high for this session. i just thought i'd share this and if you ever read this kitty just know that your name made my night :)

fantasy football

had my draft tonight and i'm actually pretty excited about my team after looking over it. i ended up getting the number 1 pick which is kinda annoying but getting AP makes up for it i suppose. he better not let me down. i also got peyton and dallas clark which will make watching indy games fun and i have eagles def and mcnabb and their kicker. i guess i'm an indy/eagles fan this season. i actually ended up getting to pick up favre too. i didn't even really want to but he was just there and who knows, he could blow up and if not i still have 2 good qb's. rest of my starters are steve smith, kevin smith and brandon marshall. all in all pretty solid -- 250 for first in the league so here's to do well.

poker i had a blowup day 2 days ago and dropped 8.5 BI's. i'm slowly winning it back but i've been playing well.

the blowup was -438 in 5 hours monday night and since then i've made back 260 in 6 hours. mehhhhh BUT after my last entry and just laying things and and looking at the big picture it helps me to realize that it really doesn't matter if i have days like this in the scheme of things beceuase i know im going to win it back once im in the right state of mind again which is becoming easier and easier to get back into. obviously i'm always working on controlling tilt and not having days like this but realizing that they are going to happen and that it's ok is the first step to preventing them as often imo.

not much else to say i don't think. going to go play -- been playing just 4 tables but all deep tables. i like how this is going although it can get a bit slow at times. genreally with the deep element im deep enough with someone to fuck around in position and always have a hand to be playing with. i should probably work on my patience. i can feel myself being pulled back to 10-12 tabling soon just because i like the feeling of always having something waiting for you to do but 4 tabling is going to be more profitable in the long run (easier to cut down on tilt and easier to stop while tiling for some reason to me) and is going to be much much better for improving my game as i attempt to move back up. im actually thinking of everything i do instead of just doing and the game is making a lot more sense again. levels are sexy.

ok seriously -- peace out.

Monday, August 24

im back -- QUAD DAY!

sooo -- i have two things to talk about. the first is that im going to really try to blog more to start thinking about my game at a higher level (review hands and just set goals for myself to keep myself motivated) and i will also write about things going on in my life just because im already writing about poker and i know it will happen. i'll start with life this time..

QUAD DAY! quad day was baby spencer's idea. the premise is simple -- smoke a quad to yourself in a 24 hour span (really we did the actual quad in a 8 hour span but whatever). it was just ian spence, me and nadine (nadine and i split the quad).

we were at the spot smoking at midnight anyways before we started and shared like 2.5 between 4 or 5 of us. then we woke and the festivites began. first we smoked out with spence/ian's friend jermey who was a pretty chill guy. i think we sparked a joint/blunt (dont remember) and then matched bowls in the dual bowl piece and were pretty faded after that. then we smoked out first out of the quad, went to the hat for lunch and had the most amazing food in the world. then we went to lindsays and rolled up a bunch and smoked number 2 and 3. watched year one at the dollar theatre (mehhh .. michael cera does make me laugh though) and then drove over to spences to roll the rest while smoking number 4. got there, picked up dawar on the way, rolled and then smoked 5 outside in a park near her house. secruity for woodbury was driving around near us so we walked away which wasted valuable time (it was like 1115 and we still had 2 to smoke). we finally got back to the car at 1130ish and headed to the spot and then finished the last two back to back. it was exactly midnight as we were finishing, kinda wonderful. we then went to in n out (decided this had to be done around blunt 5) and then went back to the spot for a 'dessert' blunt that we all shared. all in all it was a ridiculously high day.

for poker i made a new goal in my head but haven't rolled worked out how i'm going to get there so that's what i plan to do now. here it goes.. ! so i want to make 25k by the new year, which gives me 4 months. if i just averaged it out that would be 6.25k/mo. obv im going to make a lot more in december than i will in sept, but it's nice to know that. soooo.. well say in sept i play 50nl for the first week and the 100nl for the last 3 weeks.

if i expect to win at 3ptbb/100 AT LEAST that would mean i would have to play ~20k hands/wk to make 4k that mo. i think 4k is a good number to shoot for in sept. right now my roll is at 1.2 -- making 4k would put it at 5.2k BUT i will be taking out 1k at the minimum for life and whatnot so my goal for my roll is ~4.2k at the end of sept (this isn't including rakeback at all so i have quite a bit of cushion).

so now going into october i'm aiming to have 4.2k -- let's say i stay at 100nl for another 2 weeks probs, which should net to 2.5-3k at least. then we'll bump it to 200nl for that last 2 weeks and well just at least 4k from that. soo that would be 6.5k made in october before rakeback which leaves me at 10.5k -- BUT we still take out at least 1k, we'll call it 2k this month just to keep things good, so aiming for 8.5k at the end of october.

now we start out november with 8.5k before rakeback and hopefully be chillin as a 200nl reg. well say 2-2.5k/wk as a 200nl reg .this would mean i have to play ~15k/wk which isn't much. all these expectations have been on the low side, i will constantly be pushing myself to play more but i think it's good to make conservative expectations because if i set my goals to high and i fall short it will really upset me (i know how my head works) but if i set somewhat conservative but still very adequate results and then push myself to do better i will feel very good. anyway, i'll stick to 200nl all month and expect to make 8-10k which would boost my roll to 18.5k by the end of the month. at this point i would start to think about my live roll for 2/5 which i want 5k to start (i will still take more out to have 20+ BI's but i think i can start playing with 5k). soo -- let's say i take 6k out this month, that would leave me at ~10.5k at the end of november.

now december -- what a wonderful month. still chillin as a 200nl reg -- don't plan to try to move up (who knows what my mindset will be in 4 months) but well go with the same expectation as last month which is 8-10k from this. the lovely part about this is that i should be playing live 3+ times a week with my newly aqquired bankroll. how will i have time to play 3+ sessions/wk live and 15hrs+/wk online you ask? the answer is simple -- I WILL FINALLY QUIT FUCKING ISLANDS!! i'll actually put my two weeks in sometime near the end of november so december should be a restaurant free month. i haven't had enough exp live so it's hard to set goals for myself in terms of winrate. i'll say that if i end up +5k at the end of the month i would be very happy with that (i don't know how long to expect upswings/downswings but i'm pretty sure live downswings can last for months at times so we'll take this easily). so my online roll should jump to 18.5k and my live roll i would be very happy to be 10k+. idk how much i'll take offline -- we'll say 5k because this is my birthday and christmas month so i'm sure i'll want to go to vegas and do things realllllll fucking big since everyone is 21. so, end of december we should aim for 13.5k online and 10k+ live.

with these goals i set for myself this would me making 26.5k online and 5k live -- and i orignally said my goal is 25k before the new year so i like what i've laid out for myself over the next few months.

like i said, all of these expectations are very adequate and i would be quite happy with them but i can also achieve a lot more than this soooo as far as putting money aside and saving to move out i'm not quite sure how i'm going to be doing that BUT if all of this falls into place fairly nicely i'd say i could be looking to rent out a pretty fucking baller place around the turn of the new year. good things are around the corner.

funny thing is the high point of my 'career' so far was last december (200nl baller who thought nothing could stop me) so even though it feels like it was FORRRRRREVER ago when i was an online baller it was really only a year roadbump. that is nothing in a lifetime.

i'll post pretty regularly how i'm doing -- off to session. poker, not drugs. peaccccce
