Thursday, July 30

what up what up

lol -- its been a long while since i posted here. back in the day when i was at the top of my game (stakes wise -- i think i've stilled grown as a player and just had other shit going on in my life) i was blogging all the time and i think that was a huge part of what helped my game grow. i've said that before but it doesn't hurt to reitterate it.

i've been playing a little more often and i'm working on my HU game. i'm mostly withdrawling most of my winnings because i'm broke as hell right now. i've been winning 2.something ptbb/100 over the last 15k hands. this includes my HU endeavour as well which has me just barley in the red ... not a bad start. i've always had tilt issues when it comes to HU because it doesn't come as easily to me so i'm just happy i'm moving in the right direction with it instead of getting frustrated with it and letting it go to shit like i have in the past.

just opened pt3 -- official numbers are 2.24 ptbb/100 over 13k hands at 6max -- 3.43 ptbb/100 in the red over 2k hands for HU -- this is all 50nl.

i doubt i'll post very often but hopefully i do. PEACE niggies.